
Pineapples, Marigolds & Kindness

Steve attempting to read

A recent family trip to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia turned into an unexpected blog post when pineapples, marigolds & kindness were discovered along the way!

Our tour began in the Greenhouse, where we were trying to go into the newly remodeled portions. We were unsuccessful at that, but our walk-through the greenery revealed that pineapples were but a few steps away.

tropical fruit crops sign

As you can see, pineapple is the symbol for welcome and is otherwise a mysteriously sweet fruit!

possibly a pineapple

Although this guest never actually saw any pineapples, there were other kind tropical species in the area.

Gifts are kind

Beverage crops were seen as gifts from the Gods!

Food for the body and soul

Coming soon here: specifically what the sign says!

Right outside the greenhouse
Children’s Garden Orientation Map

The Children’s Garden is complete! What a beautiful space!

Micah & Steve in the flying squirrel

We enjoyed our time at the Botanical gardens and suggest you do the same! Maybe you’ll find that elusive pineapple!!!

Pineapple with care!!!