
interview #10 with Matt Turbeville from Flowerland of Athens

When I first walked into Flowerland of Athens to sit down with Matt Turbeville, I loved how warm and welcoming it felt. A mix of old school decorations and Athens flair make the showroom floor the happening place to be. So, that’s where Matt and I sat down to do our interview! Being basically seated in the entranceway does mean there is some background conversations and noise which can be a little distracting. I apologize to my fellow neurodivergents who may get distracted while listening. However, I wanted to capture the experience of Flowerland and I absolutely believe I accomplished that! 

Matt has worked with Jan Hudgins and Deborah Fuller, the co-owners of Flowerland for over 3 years now. While Flowerland has been open 51 years, making it an Athens staple, it has always been a family business. It was first owned by Jan and Deborah’s mother, and they both worked in the shop as teenagers. I’ll let Matt tell you how he joined the team back in 2018, since I don’t want to spoil anything from the interview! 

Matt and I first agreed to sit down together after I called the shop one recent morning to find out who was responsible for the always fun, often inspiring marquee sign statements. If you’ve drive down Prince and turned onto Milledge at that corner, you’ve seen the marquee I speak of. Be sure to visit the blog to view past signs that you may recognize! Matt and I became fast friends during our interview, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take a moment to thank Matt with my whole heart for agreeing to talk with me not just about how fun it is to create inspiring messages for the community to see, but for so much more. He shared his truth with me so that I could present it to you, and that’s a beautiful thing. Please enjoy my interview with marquee sign superstar Matt Turbeville from Flowerland in Athens. 



– The Potters House

Or watch the episode here: