
episode 9: listen well

In the ninth episode of the little decisions podcast, I, Victoria Cooper, talk about the power of listening well! . For those new to little decisions, this is a nostalgia-infused podcast focused on kindness, connection and community. I talk about these ideas through stories from the people of Athens and Winterville, Ga. This episode is titled: listen well; listening is an integral part of being kind and I believe it’s something we all struggle with. Stay tuned as I discuss kindness and learning to listen well. But Up first: housekeeping! 

Today’s housekeeping is going to be a little different! Instead of talking about the blog or youtube channel, I want to talk about the podcast so far. But I want to do that through gratitude! I am so grateful for the over 400 downloads across all platforms including Apple Podcasts and Youtube! I want to thank you for ALL the Instagram, TikTok, Facebook adds, likes, etc etc etc. You put the social in social media for sure! I am so grateful for the over 20 regular listeners I have that keep coming back every week to listen to me talk about kindness. That is really something special, and you are someone special.  If you would like to provide me feedback on my social media, episode content or anything else kindness related, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any social media platform, @littledecisionspodcast. And that’s housekeeping. 

For this week’s words matter, I want to talk about what I mean by listen well through the  Julian Treasure’s TED talk from 2001 titled “5 ways to listen better“.

For listen up, I want to thank the following the following three influencers for their help in spreading kindness:
1st: The Art of Kindness podcast, 
2nd: Poppin’ Culture Podcast,
3rd: Erin  Whittaker-Autry of Statham,  @eringlitterunicorn on Instagram. 

For a different perspective, I make the case that spiders are actually kind. 

For Calendar, I finish explaining BeKind2HumanKind week (BK2HK) 

For Kindness in Practice, I speak with Kera Felton, CEO of Kera Does It Write PR firm. 

Remember, you can always offer feedback to me about episode content or anything kindness related by reaching out on social media @littledecisionspodcast. 

There will be no regular episode next Thursday, only an interview! The podcast will be back Thursday, September 9th with both a new episode and new interview! 

Pineapple with Care! 

Listen to the episode here:

Or watch it on Youtube: