Blog Little Decisions

A little decisions blog…

Why a blog when I already have a vlog series, a podcast, and interviews? Because I’m nothing if not an overachiever! And I believe words matter, so I will use any medium I can to put more kind ones into the world! Based on my conversations at the Marigold Market, many of you agree that we could use more kindness in our world. The shop I set up, little decisions closet, is a fun mix of retro inspired gifts and writing notebooks! Basically, you can experience the podcast (and support it!) in-person, at the market. I’m hoping to create something different with this podcast, make it more immersive and community based.

What do I plan to blog about? So.many.things. I’ll talk about current and past pop culture movements and their larger sociological impact, discuss the latest book(s) I’m pretending to read and go more in depth about topics and ideas discussed on the podcast. The little decisions podcast is meant to be a multiplatform experience, allowing the consumer to engage with the material however they want, wherever they want. This feels important since many of the topics I discuss have some depth and magnitude.

For my first article, coming by Wednesday of this week, I plan to write about my experience with WandaVision and how it has helped me grieve. I’m excited to share with you my experience with the show since it made me think and feel very deeply at several key moments for the development of the character called the Scarlet Witch. She and I were both forged from the trauma of our past but not limited by the expectations or fears of others concerning our power and influence. To be sure, I am not a nexus being ( I don’t think…), but I have power none the less. We all do. We have power and influence over those we encounter in our everyday lives more than we know. I’ve recently been casually researching topics like motivation and influence in the vain attempt at getting better at sales while at the market.

I plan to write about the topics I’ve just mentioned and many more on this blog. However, if there is something in particular that you would like me to research or talk about, please let me know! Use the contact me link on this website! OK, I’m off to start working on the WandaVision article I’ve now committed to actually writing. Don’t you hate how something seems like a good idea one moment and then a terrible one the next just because a nap sounds so much better? Me too, friend.
As always, pineapple with care!

Victoria Cooper, Podcast host & Mixed media artist
little decisions Podcast

PS I plan to have a whole article explaining what “pineapple with care” actually means too!